The Katowice Special Economic Zone Co. (KSEZ) was established by the ordinance of the Council of Minister of 18 June 1996 (Journal of Laws No. 88 item 397 and subsequent amendments) in order to assist and accelerate the restructrunig processes, and to create jobs in the Katowice region. The zone has been established for a period of 20 years (utnil 8 August 2016) and is managed by Katowicka Specjalna Strefa Ekonimiczna SA with is head office in Katowice. The Katowice Special Economic Zone is spread over a wide area and consists of four suboznes: the Gliwice Subzone, the Sosnowiec and Dąbrowa Górnicza Subzone, the Tychy Subzone, the Jastrzębie Zdrój and Żory Subzone. The Zone occupies a total of 1,017.3 ha within 30 different sites, so investor are able to choose the most suitable location.