Polish Business Euro Club ltd
Excellent way of promoting your company image and services.
Excellent way of promoting your company image and services.
World wide coverage and visibility of your Logo and company activities.
Sponsorship package details.
Please chose one of the option, we recommend you Gold package with maximum exposure and results. Your chance to present directly through speech company, organization activities and main goals.
However if you think that Silver package will be sufficient for you at this stage than by all means why not take it.
Modest fees will guarantee your company, organization very good introduction to the Polish Financial markets, Stock Exchange, Treasury and Economy Ministry, Warsaw City hall and other sectors example access to public companies for privatization, Real Estate or IT ,BPO.
International Herald Tribune together with Warsaw Voice, will take your message even further on Global stage
In our mind money very well spend .
Please view the event main topics and active program that you can participate at the conference.
Panel discussion and meeting options with chosen counterparts.
In order to take full advantage of the conference view list of participants and to have option of meeting arrangements use the Registration Code : PBEC
Contact details:
For further enquiries please contact maciej@pbec.eu
phone 0044 7707233101